
Payment Method
Cash, check and credit cards (including HSA) are accepted.
Payment Schedule
Sessions are billed monthly for the upcoming month. For example, if your child will be seen once per week for 1 hour, the monthly (four week) bill will include 4 hours of therapy. Your monthly bill should be paid at the start of the month, no later than the 7th of the month. You will be credited the following month for any unused therapy sessions (for example, if your child was ill). If you prefer to pay on weekly basis, payment can be made each week at the time of service.
If you plan to seek reimbursement for speech and language services from your health insurance company, you should contact your insurance company in advance to learn about which types of services they will cover. If you like, I can provide you with what is called a “superbill” for your insurance. The superbill has all the diagnostic and procedural codes that your insurance company requires for you to receive reimbursement. Your insurance company likely has a form on their website for “out of network” benefits. You can submit my superbill, along with any additional paperwork required by your insurance company, to receive your reimbursement (if your child’s diagnosis is covered by your insurance).